Breastfeeding Basics Package $450
Wrapped up in 3 separate visits, this package includes everything you need to know to get you started breastfeeding on the right foot
(each visit will last up to 2 hours).
In Home Prenatal Breastfeeding Education Session
The goals of this class are to ensure you and your partner understand the physiological process of milk creation, as well as the logistical aspects of breastfeeding. In this class, you will learn what can get you off to a good start, in addition to what could set you up for frustration or struggle.
Initial In Person Visit
This can either be to the hospital following the birth, or to your home in your initial days home. This visit is to assist with any early latch issues or early pain. It is SO important to remember that breastfeeding should NOT be painful...not even while you are "getting used to it" like most nurses will tell you in the hospital. This session is built in to ensure that you have assistance available from the very beginning.
Postpartum What to Expect Session
During this session we will review some of the things you may have forgotten since your prenatal class, in addition to diving into some of the questions or concerns you may be having now that the baby is here. This session also includes a Lifestlye Integration Session. During the Lifestlye Integration component, we will talk through the intricacies of your lifestyle and your everyday, and strategize about different ways to integrate breastfeeding into those activites.
Back to Work Package $450
This Package is designed for the mom who is planning her return to work and all that it entails. The return to work, or at least the pumping upon return to work, is often pretty anxiety provoking. No worries, I will help you plan for it so you can feel prepared and ready to take this new task on. Each of these sessions will also last up to 2 hours.
Getting to Know Your Pump* (generally scheduled 3-6 weeks postpartum)
In this session we will break out that pump and become friends with it. Pumps are not always the most pleasant things to acquaint ourselves with, and often times we are doing it by ourselves this supposed to look like this?! This session gives you someone to share that with and someone to answer all of those questions for you.
Back To Work Planning.
Here we are, materinty leave is coming to an end and now you need to figure out how all this pumping business is going to work once back at work. Together we will work to create a plan. This will include a pumping schedule, tips for communicating this to employers and colleagues. We will also work to identify potential obstacles and brainstorm strategies for overcoming obstacles. Don't worry Mama, we've got this!
Back to Work Debrief Session
Going back to work can be A LOT and sometimes even the best laid plans need some adjusting. The back to work debrief session is a built-in 2 hour block for you to use anytime within your first month back to work to talk through how it is going and for us to work together to make any adjustments to your pumping schedule or strategy.
*It is important to note I include the "Getting To Know Your Pump Session" in this package because I generally do not recommend using an electric breast pump until 4-6 weeks postpartum unless there is a reason the baby cannot be fed at the breast. That being said, if a getting to know your pump session is needed prior to this, I am happy to discuss this separately.
In These Sessions, I Aim To...
Provide Support and Encouragement
I am not a medical professional. While I will never advise you to ignore medical advise, I will encourage you to be informed . I may present you with other ideas or options to consider. My suggestions will always be grounded in evidence-based research.
Ensure You Meet Your Breastfeeding Goals
While I will offer my advice and suggestions, it is not up to me to say what you should do. It is my goal simply to ensure you have all of the information necessary to make informed decisions about things that can impact your breastfeeding journey and experience.
My Role is Not To...
Judge You or Your Experience
My goal is always to help you meet your breastfeeding goals. Most important to remember while working toward them is that the baby be fed, whether that be breastmilk or formula. I will never judge, push or force you to do anything. I will provide you with information as I understand it. In the end, the goal is a happy, healthy family... Mom, Dad and Baby included.
A La Carte Services
$175 per Session
Any of the above Sessions, in addition to diving deeper into the above topics, can be purchased a la carte. Each session individually is $175. If purchased in combination with one (1) other session, you will receive a 5% discount. Additonally, should you live outside of the NYC area I am open to doing certain sessions via phone and virtually for a slightly discounted rate.